Recreational Opportunities from Southern Working Forestlands

Recreation - defined broadly as an activity done while not working - is an essential part of a balanced life. Numerous activities can take place in southern working forests. Outdoor enthusiasts spend over $320 billion annually across the U.S. South which provides over 2.7 million jobs. Home to millions of citizens, the U.S. South spans a thirteen-state geography. Increased urbanization and overcrowding are making it tougher for people to escape stress-filled cities and sound pollution. Providing opportunities for people to live, work, and play are ways that forests can help. Landowners gain new revenue streams by opening their property up to recreational opportunities.


Enjoyed by millions of Americans annually, hiking is the second most popular outdoor activity behind jogging. With thousands of miles of trails across the country, it’s easy to get out into the forests and get your heart pumping. While on your hike, enjoy the flora and fauna provided to you by forest stewards.

Hiking takes place at many outdoor recreation sites, including state and national parks. Private landowners also provide hiking trails for a small fee.


Hunting generates more than $185 million every day for the U.S. economy. The U.S. South is the most popular destination for hunters from across the globe - most of whom hunt on private land. Hunting leases are agreements that allow access to and the right to hunt land for a defined period of time. Hunter’s should expect to pay between $10-$50 per acre for a lease, acknowledging that lease price will vary depending on multiple factors. 

There are large firms offering hunting leases across the U.S. South including CatchMark, Rayonier, Westervelt and Weyerhaeuser. Leases are also available in forms of membership to a local hunting club or on an individual landowner basis. Make sure you check with your state DNR for any state and local laws related to hunting.


Since the first automobiles hit the road, Americans have enjoyed going for a drive. Whether off-roading in a SUV or shredding the trails on your ATV, many landowners across the U.S. South provide opportunities for you to experience the thrill of recreational driving. 

Recreators should look to pay between a few dollars to fifty dollars per person, per day. Certain parks will also offer an annual membership for repeat visitors. To find more information on where you can recreate, check out this website here.

Forests provide ample opportunities for outdoor recreation across the U.S. South. With 86% of the region's forestland in the hands of private landowners, economic incentives and legal protections for these landowners are essential to forests are around for years to come.


Zach Clifton

Keeping Forests Communications Specialist

Zach supports Keeping Forests via its partnership with the Georgia Forestry Association. Zach and the other communications staff at GFA lend support to the partnership both strategically & tactically.


Zach Clifton

Zach supports Keeping Forests via its partnership with Georgia Forestry Association. Zach and the other communications staff at GFA lend support to the partnership both strategically & tactically.

March 2023 Update


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